Mahango National Park Concession

The Mahango National Park Concession area forms part of the Bwabata National Park in North-east Namibia. The Okavango river forms the boundary between Bwabata National Park and Mahango National Park. The famous Okavango Delta starts at the Mahango and Botswana forms the southern border of the Park.


If you are looking for somewhere “off the beaten track, with a true wilderness feel” this is the place. Our hunting camp is the only accommodation facility in the park. The park is renowned for its large herds of elephants (mainly bulls) and Buffalo, while hippo and huge crocodiles could be found everywhere. All antelope species to be found in the Caprivi area and Okavango Delta are also resident to the park. A true wildlife paradise. In partnership with Ecko Seven Investments (Pty) Ltd.

Primal.  Dangerous.  Challenging.

Test your mettle against Africa’s most deadly. Namibia offers outstanding elephant, buffalo, hippo and crocodile hunting. It is not inexpensive in time, currency or courage, but the things most worth doing rarely are.

Photo Gallery


Big Game – Daily Rates

Buffalo, Crocodile, Hippo 1 x 1 $1300
Observer $300

Big Game Elephant – Daily Rates

Elephant 1 x 1 $2500
Observer $300

*15% VAT to be added and payable on accommodation only (not trophies)

DEPOSIT REQUEST: 50% of daily rate per person.

Daily Rates Include:

  • All road transport from and to local airports
  • Professional hunter services
  • Camp staff, gun bearers, skinner and tracking services
  • Accommodation
  • Meals and (reasonable quantity) drinks (wine / beer / soft drinks)
  • Field transport
  • Daily laundry service
  • Concession area fees
  • Field trophy preparation (No VAT is payable on exported trophies

Daily Rates Exclude:

  • Air travel to and from Lodge
  • Air travel to and from concession areas
  • Road travel between hunting (concession) areas
  • Road travel outside the Dordabis Conservancy area
    (Kowas Hunting Safaris forms part of the Dordabis Conservancy area.)
  • Accommodation before and after contracted safari period
  • Hard alcohol
  • Disinfecting, packaging, forwarding and insurance of trophies from Kowas via shipper to client
  • Trophy shipment costs
  • Rifle rentals at US$ 50.00 per day and ammunition at cost if required
  • Trophy hunting permit fee of US$25-00 per trophy hunting permit
  • Taxidermist charges
  • Staff gratuities
  • Value added tax (VAT) at 15% for accommodation (to be added to prices reflected on price list and all quotations.)
  • Value added tax (VAT) at 15% for all game species wounded and not found.


Chilling. Enchanting. Addicting. Hunt Africa’s dangerous species from the Linyanti Swamps to the mighty Zambezi River, spanning from one end of Namibia’s panhandle to the other. Explore buffalo-infested islands by canoe or track heavy-tusked elephant through towering forest. Our big game areas offer prime populations of cape buffalo, hippo, crocodile and elephant, plus a variety of plains game species.

Hunting the African Elephant

Scenery images of Kowas Adventures

The African Elephant – what a prize for the hunter of dangerous game, what a dream for the lover of the mystique and romance of the age-old ivory trail and who revels in perusing the supreme of all wild animals, as our ancestors have for millennia.

The tremor and anticipation, the Kid-on-Christmas Day excitement, that courses through your being when the trackers and Professional Hunter finds a fresh elephant bull spoor, nod to each other and set off.

Downing a big, mature bull elephant is the goal; if he has great tusks, take that as a bonus, not a right.
A minimum of fourteen days is required to hunt the largest pachyderm on earth. A lot of driving and checking for fresh spoor of an old bull will form part of the majority of the trip, but it all is worth it when you track down an old-tusker.

Hunting the Cape Buffalo

Scenery images of Kowas Adventures

The African Cape Buffalo has enjoyed a “Jack the Ripper” reputation throughout most of the Dark Continent. He has always been a top contender as the African continent’s most dangerous animal, and there is no question that the sheer physical characteristics of Mbongo, Njati, Nyati or narri, depending upon what dialect you hunt him, is a very unique package of aggregate attributes that in their total are unequaled by any other member of the Big Five.


Today, the Cape Buffalo is the most prolific of the dangerous Big Game in Africa. Are you up for the challenge to test your wit against a dagga boy?


Kowas Hunting Safaris offers some of the best buffalo hunts in Namibia’s top hunting areas. Definitely a hunt that will make you come back for more.

Hunting Packages

Take a look at our curated big game and plains game packages.
Feel free to use any of these as a basis to create your own hunting package.


Picture of the founder at Kowas Adventures


A fully qualified Big Game Professional Hunter known for his hard work and skill out in the veldt. Jacques conducts all the Kowas Hunting Safaris’ Big Game Safaris in northern Namibia. He is also one of a few Big Game Professional Hunters that has hunted all of the Big Five – Elephant, Cape Buffalo, Rhino, Lion and Leopard. With his experience and capabilities, he will let you feel at ease in the thickest of situations.

Jacques has hunted all the Big Five species.

Kowas Adventure image of a person posing with game animal